Building Families offers preschool scholarships for children who are attending a 3 or 4 year old preschool program. Building Families will pay up to $90 a month for each scholarship.
- Families must reside at 200% poverty level or below.
- Children must be attending a 3 or 4 yr. old preschool program that is not state funded.
- Children must not receive preschool funding from any other source.
- Children must turn 3 by September 15, 2016 when attending a 3 yr. old program or 4 by September 15, 2016 when attending a 4 yr. old program
- Parent/Guardian must fill out information below and return form to the preschool you wish to attend or the address below.
- Parent/Guardian must attach proof of income. Proof can include recent check stubs, child support income, last years tax return, W-2, TANF, FIP, PELL and SSI.
- If scholarship is awarded the parent/guardian must attend a Building Families sponsored parent night at the preschool.
- Parent/Guardian must fill-out a survey at the end of the year provided by Building Families.