Building Families’ mission is for children, youth, and families to live in safe and nurturing environments that promote health, independence and success. Building Families will create a continuum of supports and services that embrace children and their families.
Building Families embraces the philosophy that to support families we must enhance protective factors to help assure that the health, shelter, social/emotional and intellectual needs of every child will be met. This prevention philosophy is built upon these principles:
- Every child has a right to be safe, healthy, intellectually stimulated, and nurtured.
- Parents are the first and most important teacher of their child and may benefit in learning more effective parenting.
- Every family has strengths that can be enhanced. Every family is unique.
- The well being of children in the community is the responsibility of all adults in the community.
- Support, knowledge of child development, and improved parenting skills increase protective factors and school achievement.
- The earlier the intervention occurs to support children and parents, the greater the odds of success.
- Every family needs support. Different families may need different levels of support. Thus, a continuum of support is essential for all children to be school-ready.
- Lasting success for children and families takes coordinated efforts by all involved over a continued period of time.