The Early Childhood Educational Advisor is available for free assistance and support with IQPPS Standards and GOLD Assessments for preschools in Hamilton, Humboldt & Wright Counties.
The Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS) and criteria, forms, and implementation guide were developed by the Iowa Department of Education (DE) Early Learning Work Team in 2007 in an effort to make across the state standards for the preschools participating in the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Grant. The standards include the following:
Program Standard 1 - Relationships
Program Standard 2 - Curriculum
Program Standard 3 - Teaching
Program Standard 4 - Assessment of Child Progress
Program Standard 5 - Health
Program Standard 6 - Teachers
Program Standard 7 - Families
Program Standard 8 - Community Relationships
Program Standard 9 - Physical Environment
Program Standard 10 - Leadership and Management
The GOLD Assessment is the measuring tool that has been adopted by the State of Iowa as a way to assess the progress of young children. The GOLD online assessment system focuses on 38 research‐based objectives for development and learning that are predictors of school success and aligned with the Iowa Early Leaning Standards. GOLD is also a curriculum neutral assessment so it may be used with any research‐based curriculum.